For over 130 years, Badger Bank has been committed to continually enhancing the economic vitality and social welfare of our communities through corporate sponsorships and charitable donations. We recognize the power of volunteerism, contributing financial resources, and collaborating with local businesses and non-profits to help make our communities better places to live and work.
General Criteria
The Badger Bank Charitable Contribution Policy provides a guideline for our allocations of resources. Badger Bank may contribute to and/or encourage and support its employee involvement with community and civic groups that address the following criteria:
- Education and youth programs
- Safety, health/wellness and human services
- Community civic needs
- Economic development activities
- Conservation and environmental programs
- Arts, culture and humanities
Badger Bank will not contribute to:
- Individuals raising funds for personal activities, excluding benefits
- Political organizations or candidates for public office
- Requests that are sensitive, controversial, or harmful or that pose a potential conflict of interest to Badger Bank
- Organizations that discriminate on the basis of religion, age, color, sex, disability, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, or veteran status
- Contributions for events/activities that have already occurred
- Activities that do not advance the public image or corporate purpose of Badger Bank
Any group or organization requesting a corporate sponsorship or charitable donation from Badger Bank must be located in a community which Badger Bank serves. A written request must be submitted and supporting documentation must be provided.
Contribution Requests
All requests for contributions need to be submitted in writing to Badger Bank, c/o Marketing Department at 220 Grant Street, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538. Written requests may be submitted in letter form and should include the following information:
- Name, address, email and phone number of organization/contact person
- Purpose and mission of the group requesting support
- Type of support requested
- Description of how any funds will be used
- Description of what kind of recognition or benefit that Badger Bank will receive
A Charitable Contribution Request Form (PDF) may also be completed and sent via fax to the attention of the Marketing Department at (920) 563-9250 or email at
Approval or denial of any request is not a judgment by Badger Bank or its staff on the merit of the organization or event. Requests may be denied due to budget constraints or prior commitments.